JMC Contact Numbers

JMC Contact Numbers
JMC Contact Numbers

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Electoral Code of conduct commences with the stoppage of any transfers.

Voting Day declared on 17 August in the state’s 129 wards.

State election authority Mr. Ramlubhaya announced the commencement of the second stage of the elections and declared voting day to fall on 17th August. Voting would occur in state’s 129 wards. With the onset of forthcoming elections, the electoral code of conduct has commenced in voting area wards. The nomination process would be from first of august for five days. The counting of Ballots would be on 20th August. 

Around 37, 12,000 Voters would vote through EVM machines at 4,302 booths of 3,351 wards as per expected census. For proper security, around 20,000 guards will patrol at various booths. Ajmer Nagar parishad and 15 municipal corporations are included in the 129 centers. Three of these municipal corporations are entering into nominations for the first time. If the voters do not show up with their photo ID voter’s card, then they could vote if they are carrying one of the approved documents out of 19 authorized documents. The voters list with photos of each voter will be available.

Positive changes show growth in number of women voters to around 18 lakhs.

If we look at the numbers, then out of 37,12,356 voters the number of men is amounted at more than 19 lakhs and nearly 18 lakhs women voters. There are 47 other category voters. In addition, interestingly most voters are seen coming from Ajmer at 5, 43,833, and the lowest number of voters are from Banswara at a mere 7,642.

Electoral Code of conduct rajasthan
Electoral Code of conduct rajasthan

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